

联系方式:zhangzhongbao@baafs.net.cn; zhangzhongbao@babrc.ac.cn; 010-51502879





[2]北京市农林科学院创新能力建设专项(主持):“重要农作物转基因新种质创制”(2023.01- 2025.12);
[4]北京市农林科学院(基金培育专项)(主持):“玉米黄酮异荭草素合成通路关键基因ZmCGT1功能解析”(2021.01- 2021.12);
[14]国家自然科学基金(第2完成人):“野大麦HbCIPK2与其互作蛋白构成调控通路的功能解析 ”(2013.01-2016.12);


[1]Zuoping Wang#, Zhongbao Zhang#, Dengyu Zheng, Tongtong Zhang, Xianglong Li, Chun Zhang, Rong Yu, Jianhua Wei, Zhongyi Wu. Efficient and genotype independent maize transformation using pollen transfected by DNA-coated magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2022, 64: 1145–1156.
[2]Xiaorong Sun, Xiaofeng Xue, Xiaqing Wang, Chun Zhang, Dengyu Zheng, Wei Song, Jiuran Zhao, Jianhua Wei, Zhongyi Wu, Zhongbao Zhang*. Natural variation of ZmCGT1 is responsible for the isoorientin accumulation in maize silk. Plant Journal, 2022, 109: 64–76.
[3]Zhongbao Zhang#, Xiaoqin Tan#, Xiaorong Sun, Jianhua Wei*, Qing X. Li*, Zhongyi Wu*. Isoorientin affects markers of Alzheimer's disease via effects on the oral and gut microbiota in APP/PS1 mice. Journal of Nutrition, 2022, 152: 140–152.
[4]Tongtong Zhang, Dengyu Zheng, Chun Zhang, Zhongyi Wu, Rong Yu*, Zhongbao Zhang*. Heterologous expression of ZmNF‑YA12 confers tolerance to drought and salt stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 2022, 16: 437–448.
[5]Chun Zhang#, Ruijia Yang#, Tongtong Zhang, Dengyu Zheng, Xianglong Li, Zhongbao Zhang*, Legong Li*, Zhongyi Wu*. ZmTIFY16, a novel maize TIFY transcription factor gene, promotes root growth and development and enhances drought and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis and Zea mays. Plant Growth Regulation, 2023, 100:149–160.
[6]Chun Zhang, Xianglong Li, Zuoping Wang, Zhongbao Zhang*, Zhongyi Wu*. Identifying key regulatory genes of maize root growth and development by RNA sequencing. Genomics, 2020, 112: 5157–5169.
[7]Chun Zhang, Xianglong Li, Longfei Yin, Cai Liu, Huawen Zou, Zhongbao Zhang∗, Zhongyi Wu∗. Analysis of the complete genome sequence of Brevibacterium frigoritolerans ZB201705 isolated from drought- and salt-stressed rhizosphere soil of maize. Annals of Microbiology, 2019, 69: 1489–1496.
[8]Zhongbao Zhang∗, Longfei Yin, Xianglong Li, Chun Zhang, Huawen Zou, Cai Liu, Zhongyi Wu*. Analyses of the Complete Genome Sequence of the Strain Bacillus pumilus ZB201701 Isolated from Rhizosphere Soil of Maize under Drought and Salt Stress. Microbes and Environments, 2019, 34:310-315.
[9]Zigen Cai, Kai Feng, Xin Li, Hai Yan, Zhongbao Zhang*, Xiaolu Liu. Pre‑breeding: the role of antioxidant enzymes on maize in salt stress tolerance. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2019, 41:102. (Q2,WOS:000468289800004)
[10]Kai Feng, Zigen Cai, Tao Ding, Hai Yan, Xiaolu Liu*, Zhongbao Zhang*. Effects of potassium-solubilizing and photosynthetic bacteria on tolerance to salt stress in maize. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2019, 126, 1530-1540.
[11]Ye Wang, Haiyang Zhang, Hai Yan, Chunhua Yin, Yang Liu, Qianqian Xu, Xiaolu Liu *, Zhongbao Zhang*. Effective Biodegradation of Aflatoxin B1 Using the Bacillus licheniformis (BL010) Strain. Toxins, 2018, 10 (497): 1-16.
[12]Zhongbao Zhang, Zhibin Liang, Longfei Yin, Qing.X. Li*, Zhongyi Wu*. Distribution of four bioactive flavonoids in maize tissues of five varieties and correlation with expression of the biosynthetic genes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66 (40): 10431-10437.(封面论文)
[13]Zhongbao Zhang∗, Longfei Yin, Xianglong Li, Chun Zhang, Cai Liu, Zhongyi Wu*. The complete genome sequence of Bacillus halotolerans ZB201702 isolated from a drought- and salt-stressed rhizosphere soil. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2018, 123: 246–249.
[14]Sheng He, Kai Feng, Tao Ding, Kaihui Huang, Hai Yan, Xiaolu Liu∗, Zhongbao Zhang∗. Complete genome sequence of Bacillus licheniformis BL-010. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2018, 118:199–201.
[15]Zhongbao Zhang, Xianglong Li, Chun Zhang, Huawen Zou, Zhongyi Wu*. Isolation, structural analysis, and expression characteristics of the maize nuclear factor Y gene families. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2016, 478:752-758.
[16]Zhongbao Zhang, Xianglong Li, Rong Yu, Meng Han, Zhongyi Wu*. Isolation, structural analysis, and expression characteristics of the maize TIFY gene family. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2015, 290:1849-1858.
[17]Zhongbao Zhang, Yajuan Chen, Dan Zhao, Ruifen Li, Hongzhi Wang, Jiewei Zhang, Jianhua Wei*. X1-homologous genes family as central components in biotic and abiotic stresses response in maize (Zea mays L.). Functional& Integrative Genomics, 2014, 14: 101-110.
[18]Zhongbao Zhang, Jiewei Zhang, Yajuan Chen, Ruifen Li, Hongzhi Wang, Liping Ding, Jianhua Wei*. Isolation, structural analysis, and expression characteristics of the maize (Zea mays L.) hexokinase gene family. Molecular Biology Reports, 2014, 41:6157–6166.
[19]Zhongbao Zhang, Jiewei Zhang, Yajuan Chen, Ruifen Li, Hongzhi Wang, Jianhua Wei*. Genome-wide analysis and identification of HAK potassium transporter gene family in maize (Zea mays L.). Molecular Biology Reports, 39: 8465-8473, 2012.
[20]Zhongbao Zhang, Huiyong Li, Dengfeng Zhang, Yinghui Liu, Jing Fu, Yunsu Shi, Yanchun Song, Tianyu Wang*, Yu Li*. Characterization and expression analysis of six MADS-box genes in maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Plant Physiology, 169: 797-806, 2012.
[21]Jiewei Zhang, Zhongbao Zhang, Dan Zhu, Yang Guan, Dianyi Shi, Yajuan Chen, Ruifen Li, Hongzhi Wang, Jianhua Wei*. Expression and initial characterization of a Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C from Populus tomentosa. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015, 24: 338-346.
[22]Zhongbao Zhang, Xianglong Li, Meng Han, Zhongyi Wu*. Genome-wide analysis and functional identification of the annexin gene family in maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Omics Journal, 2015, 8(5): 420-428.
[23]张彤彤,郑登俞,吴忠义,张中保*,于荣*. 玉米NF-Y转录因子基因 ZmNF-YB13响应干旱和盐胁迫的功能分析. 生物技术通报,2022: 38(10).
[24]杨锐佳,张中保*,吴忠义*. 植物转录因子TIFY家族蛋白结构和功能的研究进展. 生物技术通报,2020,36 (12): 121−128.
[25]殷龙飞,王朝阳,吴忠义,张中保*,于荣*. 玉米ZmGRAS31 基因的克隆及功能研究. 作物学报,2019, 16.
[26]张中保,吴忠义,魏建华*. 玉米BURP家族基因的鉴定和分析. 玉米科学,2014,22(3):36-42.
[27]张中保,吴忠义*,魏建华*. 玉米1,3,4-三磷酸肌醇5-6 激酶ITPK家族基因的鉴定和分析. 科技导报,33(16):46-50.
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[36]实用新型专利,授权2017年:ZL201720558074.6,一种玉米单穗脱粒机. 李向龙,吴忠义,张中保,张春,张国栋,赵青叶。
[37]实用新型专利,授权2018年:ZL201820036147.X,一种抽吸玉米雌穗汁液的装置. 李向龙,吴忠义,张中保,张春,张国栋,赵青叶。